Add a boost to your Smoothie!
Activated Charcoal – detox, detox, detox
Calcium carbonate – Provides calcium for strong bones and teeth. Also helps to relieve heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach. Acts as an antacid.
Sea (Irish) moss – a true Superfood! Contains approximately 99 out of the 102 minerals vital for the human body to function optimally.
Maca root –(organic) – Pure energy! Another superfood, an adaptogen that creates stamina, healthy bones and libido boost.
Calcium bentonite clay – Contains calcium, alkalizes, and detoxes. Great for dental health, may remineralize teeth and prevent or reverse cavities.
Oatmeal (organic, steel cut)- make it a meal!
Fresh ginger – boosts the immune system, great for nauseau, weightloss, cancer and blood circulation according to Also try our ginger shots!
Turmeric – good for pain, inflammation, joint pain, weight loss and skin health, according to Also try our turmeric shots!
Hemp protein (organic) – get your protein and make it a meal!
Pumpkin seeds – strengthen the immune system and bones, libido, insomnia, urinary health and more
Beet root powder (organic) – benefits include improved heart health, the ability to reduce blood pressure, and enhanced exercise capacity, according to healthline